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◎ Company taxation provision of free capital loans to others.


Council represents, according to the Income Tax Act, paragraph 3 2 24 provisions, loans to shareholders of the Company or any other person without charge interest, or agreement of the low interest rates, in addition to salary workers who belong advances, the funds shall be loans belongs year January 1 benchmark interest rate of the Bank of Taiwan companies calculate interest income and taxable period.


Council noted that the profit-seeking enterprise income tax by another IEC guideline 97, paragraph 11, the Department of the company to borrow money as lending to others, it does not charge for lending money at interest, or interest paid by the interest charges lower than those for equivalent or the difference between the interest paid to the lending of money, not identified.


Council further explanation, check the recent settlement of a company's business income tax declaration case, because a company's borrowing abroad to Company B, also Failing Qian Jie did not charge interest loans to the period prescribed by the imputed interest income, interest income and adjusted by 350 million yuan and be back taxes.

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