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IRS tax big big tonic physician - health insurance deduction to recover payments make up more knowledge!

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Chen Dawei said that many physicians may be the best tax consultant physician, when the annual income tax declaration comprehensive implementation services, he was always careful, especially against the total settlement value adjustments typically floating point, and thus extend or complement to pay before deduction chase annual medical payments, how to calculate the necessary expenses of the issue, more than research and erudite.

However, the unexpected outbreak, recently Chen Dawei physicians received 96 annual income tax IRS approved notice, the income from the IRS actually been raised, thus increasing the complement of NT $ 150,000 tax. Chen Dawei most physicians feel sorry that many physicians because of the additional money to pay back previous tax year medical problems have been received by the IRS back taxes alone, so that the physician can not help but want to ask the accountant Chen Dawei exactly what happened?